Sunday, December 25, 2011


So,I was watching an ESPN films production called "Catching Hell", it was an in depth story about the Steve Bartman story and the downfall of the Cubs playoff run in 2003. I enjoyed it a lot especially because I was watching the game and remember it well. We were having a party at my house and just so happened to have it on the TV and we were all glued to the television set, not as cubs fan, but as regular baseball fans and fans of the history of the game. After the Cubs fell apart I remember looking at my friend and saying that the poor guy they kept showing will be blamed for this and his life will never be the same. One ground ball that should have been an easy double play needed to be made to make Bartman's life normal and he could be forgotten, but nope didn't happen. Anyways, as I watched I realized what kind of blind idiots fans can be. I also recalled a conversation I was having in the living room of my wife's grandparents house the night before, which was Christmas eve, with some of her family members. I don't argue alot especially with people I don't know or respect because it isn't worth my time. I am very opinionated about certain things but I never tell people that their opinions are wrong even if I don't agree with them. We started talking about Texas Tech football and the mediocre season we just had. I agree it was hard to watch, but I watched it, every bit of it, down to every last whistle in every game, did you? Probably not. All I heard the following days were comments about how bad we were and that "I changed the channel after halftime", all I wanted to say to them was maybe you should go to Walmart and pick up a burnt orange shirt and jump on the wagon with the rest of the t-shirt fans. I got more tired about hearing what Leach could have done instead of Tubberville. So her cousin and uncle were just all over the coaches and the team and i just sat there and listened and every now and then threw in my 2 cents, all up until they both said "I don't really keep up with the team or anything tech related, but that was bad", that made me more angry than anything else I heard all night. What gives you the right to make these comments when you have no idea what was even going on outside of the score, what a joke. So I gave them a few facts from the season and then sat there, they quickly changed the subject. Was I Mike Leach fan, of course, the biggest. When he got fired I made a rare comment on the KCBD facebook site and they posted it on TV. I was just as angry as the rest of "RaiderNation". How it went down was a disgrace to the double T, however, I also looked at it from a management standpoint and realized that he needed to go and wasn't worth the commotion that he caused each and every season because he didn't want to be here. That all depends on who you ask of course, but every year he was throwing his name in the hat for another job. Did he deserve better than he got at Tech, of course, he did a lot for the school as a whole by making them a viable program. Did he deserve to be fired the way he did, of course not, it was all very wrong and very petty by the upper management at Tech, will we ever know the true reason of why he got fired, NO, but we all can agree on that it was wrong. However as a manager, you can only take so much insubordination, before something has to be done, win or lose. In ten years we had ONE ten win season and was always in third or fourth place at the end of the season. People try to tell me that the team in 2010 was gonna be his championship team, please what a joke. That probably comes from you people who thought that "sticks" was a better qb than Potts. Neither one was a good qb by any stretch of the imagination, and to think that he was gonna win the Big12 with that team is a far cry from the truth. Mike Leach was good at one thing and that was taking a group of mediocre players and making them good enough to win 8 maybe 9games a season but never being able to beat the big boys. Will Tubberville ever be able to beat them, who knows, will anyone be able to win that next level game at Tech, maybe, maybe not. Do I believe in Tubberville to get us pointed in the right direction to do that, of course I do, as a Tech fan I have to. Do I think it will happen, ehh hopefully, I'm willing to wait and find out, compared to most people around here, who thinks that the answer to the prayer is Mike Leach, which it isn't. What most people seem to forget that as I argue for Tubberville, I am not a Leach fan or Tubberville fan, I am a TEXAS TECH fan. So whoever is our coach, is who I will defend over the previous guy win or lose. I will give that present coach the benefit of the doubt until he is gone. If Tuberville isn't winning at the end of his fourth year, I will be first to say that it is time to look in a different direction, but will still not give up on him or the team until he no longer wears a doubleT on his shirt. Look at what Christy Curry has done to the women's basketball team. I'm sure a lot of the so called Tech fans out there wanted her gone soon after she took over an extremely depleted team, no on even wanted to think about moving on from Marsha Sharp. Now look, we are ranked and dominating games and looking good to make a pretty strong run towards winning the Big12, which I may add is probably the toughest conference in the country for women's basketball. Yes it took her 5 years to get here but she is hear and all because the athletic department did not listen to the average fan about her when they wanted her job. I hope they do the same thing with Tubberville, and I would stand behind that no matter who our coach is. I just wish that the average fan would stay off the radio, I'd rather listen to the crap that is called music now a days, than listen to a fan who really doesn't know what is really going on. Not all fans are like this, just seems to be the ones that want to voice their opinion on the air. I hate the "what have you done for me lately" attitude that we as a culture have developed. I want my teams to win as much as the next person, and I don't care how they win, just win, especially on a professional level with the amount of money they get paid. I am a Mavericks, Rangers, Colts, and a Texas Tech fan. All teams come with a certain amount of patience (I was a Colts fan before Manning, for some unknown reason, probably cause the Oilers left Houston, and I hate the Cowboys, or used to anyways). I support all these teams win or lose from my home for now, and when I can afford it I will be in the stands as much as possible for Tech football. I will keep an eye on Leach at Washington State with mixed feelings. One, in hopes that he does good, not to rub it in Tech administrations face, they know he was a winner and a good coach, but for himself because he is in a good school to eventually win and get himself to a BCS bowl or even a PAC12 championship, which I guess would get him in to a BCS bowl game. Two, I want him to lose the first few seasons just so I don't have to hear about him anymore here in Lubbock. People hate change, especially when the change comes after winning, but they also need to move on or move to Washington and buy some purple shirts cause I don't want to hear about it. I will watch the games on tv if they are on, but I will not go out of my way to watch them. Good luck to Leach an Washington State, but I am a RED RAIDER and will not be a t-shirt cougar fan. So to those that continue to bash Tubberville because he is not Leach, get over it. And to those fans who like to blame crazy circumstances on why your team lost, have fun with that. There were a bunch of reasons why the Cubs lost that game and the series, Bartman had nothing to do with it,and his life was ruined by it. It would have only been the second out and the error from Gonzales and bad pitching all played a major part in that inning and why 8 runs were scored. On a last note Tech fans in general make me angry. They expect Tech to be this great program but yet they won't fill the stands when we lose. A true following has nothing to do with the amount of crowds you have when you win, it is how many people show up to games when you are losing. Nebraska football is a perfect example, when they had a few losing seasons in the middle of this decade, they still sold out every single game and lost almost every game in one of those seasons. So as everyone here has an opinion on where we should be as a football program we need to look at how we treat the team when we lose and not focus on the amount of people in the stands when are winning. Do I go to the games, no, but not because I don't want to but because I can't afford tickets yet. I will be a student there starting this summer and plan on attending as many games as I can. I also think it is funny when peole around here try and compare us to UT or OU. Makes me laugh because as a football program we will never be the caliber of football program as they are if we keep acting the way we do as fans. I came to terms with that fact a long time ago, and have not once have ever thought about being a fan of a different school and never will no matter how bad we may get. Besides, I look horrible in an ugly color such as burnt orange. I understand why some Lubbockites hate Tech and jumped on the UT bandwagon with no real reason or ties to them, it is probably why I grew up hating the Cowboys, hated hearing about them every single day. Just do me a favor and try watching your favorite teams not as a fan but as a sports analyst or non biased fan if you will, and you will get a much better look at your team as a whole through a different light. Also makes for less heartache when you really understand what you can expect from your team in every different game.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Quote of the day

Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic .

Someone over there has it figured out. We have a lot of work to do.

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama,who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 1

Well today was very uneventful, nothing going on but a boring day at work. I did however figure out that a day after a ten hour drive, I am still tired. I did not realize how tired I would be even a day later. So not a whole lot of writing going on today. Just a forshadow of what I will talk about tomorrow. I am going to start off by talking about how i took off the month of June and most of July, only working two days a week through July. Then getting married at the end of that month. Lots of golf, Ruidoso, and a great wedding with a wonderful surprise for the bride (not mine). More golf and then having to spend a weekend at my brothers because we could not get home. It has been the best summer of my life finally topping the summer I turned 16 while playing soccer in Italy. Anyways gotta go, bed is calling. Being 30 takes a bit more effort than it used to.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer Vacation

My wife and I went on a road trip this last week, yeah thats right "my wife", never thought i would be saying that did ya. Anyways, I just got back from a week away from Lubbock, and have actually been away from our home since that previous Sunday. We were at my brothers house, house sitting till Wednesday which is when we left and headed to Fort Worth. Now we are house sitting her parents house till Saturday or Sunday when they head back from Arkansas. I decided that on our ten hour drive back from Arkansas ourselves that I would get back into blogging. So thats what I am going to do. Who knows how many followers I will have and even how interesting it will even be. But tomorrow I will start it all over again. I am only laying the ground work on what i will start talking about. I will most certainly begin with my whole summer in a short paraphrase. Then, oh yeah, i got married, and then this last week. It has been a long crazy summer that i really needed. I didn't even work the month of june if that tells you anything. I will then start on my first day of school. Yep you read right, school. I start college on the 30th. So I plan on having quite a bit of stories to tell this semester, and I am still coaching that soccer team. So hopefully you will follow me as I tell lots of fun stories about all the eventfull things that have and will happen. Including all the cooking adventures I go on with all my new kitchen toys we got as wedding presents. See you tomorrow...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Change this please...

I am now officially tired of the fact that everytime I call somewhere for info, the very first thing I hear is "to hear this message in english press 1." I am sick and tired of that crap. It should say "to hear this message in Spanish press 1, or go back home and press uno." I should never have to hear anything during my phone conversations that resembles any language other than English. Don't get me wrong, multi-lingual people amaze me, I am not at all. So it does impress me that people can know many different languages, I just don't think that i should have to push an extra button to listen to a message in my own language in my own country. Get rid of the option completely or make everyone sit through a button option for every language on the planet, putting english on number 1 of course since we are in America and that is still our official language, I think...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Till Now, and Till Next Time

Ok, so I am really not good at keeping up with this. But since the last time i was on here i have worked quite a bit. I have been real tired after work and not felt like sitting in front of the computer. To sum it up i closed the day after i got back from the metroplex, then I worked two 530 am mornings in a row and then closed again. It has been an up and down week. To say the least. I have been listening to my brothers new music. If you do not already have it, please go buy it for 5 dollars, it is worth every cent twice over. I have so many things i would love to talk about but not enough time to discuss them all. So many things going on in the world to discuss, from politics, to the people in general. I work in retail of sorts, and have to keep my mouth shut all the time but that does not mean that I can't blog about the selfishness and stupidity of half the general population. So many peopl out there really make me wonder how they even got as far as they did in life, oh wait, i bet the government bailed them out. Cause thats what it seems to be happening, the ignorant and irresponsible seem to be getting more help than those that are keeping our country afloat, or at least above water. But I could sit here all day and talk about that. I won't because my butt already hurts from sitting in this chair. Hmm, maybe that ismy problem, I need a better chair for this and maybe I will stick around more. Oh well, I am off to prepare for my fantasy football draft. At least this keeps me from watching more news and seeing what is going on the world, and who really wants to do that with all the destruction that is going on. Oh and if i were you, check out the little league world series, it is awesome. Good to know that there is still some form of innocence out there, (hopefully). They don't take steroids at that age do they, just kidding, that would be aweful. Well gotta go, I really am trying to get on here more and talk about things. You never know you may actually enjoy my opinions, they could make for some good comedy. Till Next time...