Thursday, October 22, 2009
Change this please...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Till Now, and Till Next Time
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
G.I Joe
Went and saw the movie today. It was good, not to fond of the similarities between the main bad guy at the end and darth vador, but what can you do. All in all it was a good movie, definitely recommend watching it. It was a good way to end what was a busy day of sorts. Worked from 7 to 3, and as i got home pretty much went straight to the theatre after a quick bite to eat. No interesting conversations today. No intriguing thoughts either, but the day has not ended and i have started cooking dinner for the fellas, enchiritos are on the menu. Nothing real complicated but with inspiration from my sister-in-laws blogspot, i will be taking pictures. I will try and make them look as pretty as I possiby can consider that they really just go in a pan and get baked. Maybe something will pop up over dinner that i can talk about that will be more interesting than a plain pan of enchiritos. Fare well for now my friends.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Speech in Lubbock, in April
At the TEA PARTY, a black man, Dr. Donald May, delivered this message from the courthouse steps inLubbock, TX. He electrified the audience like I haven’t seen in a long time. His delivery was masterful. I am sorry you could not see him in action. Anyway, I thought you might enjoy his words. The news media was there, but not one word of this man’s appearance ever appeared on TV or in print, even though he completely dominated the scene. April 15, 2009 - 11:49 pm Ladies and gentlemen, This is a Time For Courage. We are gathered here today on the Plains of Our Nation’s founding document is The Declaration ofIndependence .. It tells us that our rights come from God and not from a small group of Elite men and women. Our Constitution starts with the words “We the People.” Our Constitution was written for ordinary Americans like you and me. Our Constitution protects us from our government and from the politicians. Our President has complained that our Constitution gives ordinary people too much protection. He has ridiculed us for the high value we place on our Bibles, our guns, our personal property, and our We are told freedom has not worked. Personal responsibility, free enterprise, and Other than our military, I can think of not one government agency I have ever found to be helpful. And speaking of our military, how about those Navy Seals blowing the heads off those three terrorist pirates? Don’t you just wish our entire government would function with such efficiency, professionalism, and courage? We watch in disbelief as and despair to untold hundreds of millions. The problems we face today have occurred because we have not defended our Nation from Socialism. For too long we have allowed the wrong people to make the worst possible decisions. The Bible warns us of class hatred. The Radical leadership of our government daily fans the evil flames of class envy. Our European and Canadian friends beg us to not make the same Socialist mistakes they did. The President of the European Union warned our President that his Socialist economic plans are taking the World down the “road to Hell.” The path to power for Socialists includes taking God and guns from the citizens. Without spiritual and physical protection, people cannot defend themselves and their We are angered that our President apologizes for the exceptionalism and heroism of the We are angered that we have been called cowards and racists because we oppose Socialism. Socialism is not racial. Socialism is an equal opportunity destroyer. We are angered that a recent Department of Homeland Security report has singled out our military men and women who are returning home as being radical threats. The report also characterizes you and me as right-wing extremists and radicals because we favor smaller government and lower taxes. You and I are average citizens who believe just like most of our fellow Americans. We want our government to leave us alone and to keep its hands off our money, our religion, or guns, our private property, and our lives. We demand that our government stop spending money it does not have. Stop confiscating our money and private property. Stop printing money. Stop subsidizing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the other failed financial institutions and companies. Mr. President, stop appointing tax cheats to positions of power and influence. Mr. President, secure our borders. Mr. President, do not divert money from our missile defense, F-22 Raptors, and other vital military equipment. This gives encouragement, aid, and comfort to our enemies. Protecting us is your number one job. Mr. President, do not give voting rights to millions of illegal aliens and felons. You have no more right to create new voters for your benefit than you do to use our money to buy the 2010 and 2012 Elections. We gather peacefully here today because there is a growing concern for what our government is doing to us and to our future. We fear for the very survival of our Republic. Yet there is much to make us hopeful and to fill our hearts with optimism and courage. This is still our country! The Constitution of the Unites States belongs to We the People. Our Constitution still protects us from our government. Call every possible elected official, including our President, Vice President, and the Speaker of the House. Demand that they stop stealing our money and giving it to ACORN and their other political supporters in order to buy votes. Call Senators Cornyn and Hutchison, andRepresentative Neugebauer. Thank them. Urge them to do much more. Remind them now is a time for action and not for campaigning. Volunteer to work on our 2010 Census. Confront ACORN. Keep our Census honest. We must not allow our President to take control of our Census for his political advantage. We must replace as much of our Far Left Congress as possible in 2010. Get involved. Do not let the ACORN control our 2010 Election. Talk with someone every day who does not understand our nation’s history and our great heritage. Tell them why the Talk with all of the young people you can find. They are our future. Many do not understand what they have and that their future is being destroyed. Encourage your elected State officials to pass legislation that will protect us from our Federal government. This is a time for strong peaceful action. Let us pray that We the People can quickly return our government to its Constitutional responsibilities. Our President and Congress were elected to be our servants and not our masters. May God help our President and Congress to quickly realize the error of their ways and stop their reckless and unwarranted spending, cut our taxes, and reduce the size of our Federal bureaucracy. If they do not, may God grant us the courage and determination to vote them out of power next year. May God richly bless and protect each of you, and our Constitution, as together we pursue Delivered at the This should be on the front page of every newspaper in the |